Back to school is upon us, and anxiety begins to kick in for many people. Where will I sit in class? What if none of my friends are in my classes? What if I can’t find my new classes? Worrying about these things is normal, but at IntegrityMind Psychiatry, we are here to help you (or your child) navigate your way through this time.
Anxiety Tips for Young Children
If your child struggles with anxiety when it comes to returning to school, Hopkins Medicine gives five tips to help the transition.
- A week or two before school, prepare your children for the upcoming transition by getting back to school year routines, such as a realistic bedtime and selecting tomorrow’s clothes, lunch, etc.
- Arrange playdates with one or more familiar peers before school starts. Research shows that the presence of a familiar peer during school transitions can improve children’s academic and emotional adjustment.
- Visit the school before the year begins, rehearse the drop-off and spend time on the playground or inside the classroom if the building is open. Have the child practice walking into class while the parent waits outside or down the hall.
- Come up with a prize or a rewarding activity that the child could earn for separating from mom or dad to attend school.
- Validate the child’s worry by acknowledging that, like any new activity, starting school can be hard but soon becomes easy and fun.
Anxiety Tips for High Schoolers
Some of you readers might have a teen or even be a teen that struggles with anxiety when the thought of going back to school comes up. Evolve Treatment Centers gives five additional tips for teens.
- Do all the things. In other words, get involved! Go to meet the teacher, check out the clubs that interest you and ask for help if you need it.
- Read all the emails. Parents, this goes for you, too! These emails will help you or your child be more prepared for what’s happening at school.
- Identify your allies. Find people that will make you feel more comfortable in the school environment. Need tutoring? Find out who can help. Are you a singer? Check out the school choir. Or, maybe you love photography. Get connected with the yearbook team.
- Familiarize yourself with the building(s). If your school offers “meet the teacher,” this is a great way to map out your schedule and classrooms. Get comfortable with where you’re going and memorize it for the first day.
- Do all of the above with friends. Plan to go to meet the teacher with friends and get involved in the same clubs with friends with the same interests. Find someone who you can look to for help such as a school counselor if you don’t know where to get started.
Practical Help for a Better Life
Sometimes, tips like these aren’t enough to help a child or teen. Dr. Wright is proud to offer his unique, holistic approach to his patients. Always engaged in the conversation and never sitting behind a screen, Dr. Wright’s unique approach to helping patients is refreshing, rooted in science, compassionate, comprehensive and hopeful.
Dr. Wright sees people for help with issues including:
- Addiction Issues
- Depression/Anxiety
- Navigating Life Transitions
- Relationship Challenges
- Bipolar Disorder
- Schizophrenia
At the heart of serving your mental health needs, we strive to offer help. And hope. IntegrityMind is Holistic Help for the Whole You. We offer telehealth for those in Texas, Tennessee and Michigan. If you or your little one struggles with back-to-school anxiety, we encourage you to reach out to schedule an initial consultation.